
Double Dere Scanlations is the work of one person who may not have the greatest grasp on the Japanese language (aka has a second-grade reading level supplemented by random vocab picked up from all sorts of weird sources), but is very interested in finding obscure, untranslated content and trying to share it with a wider audience!


I have wanted to do translation for quite a long time, and I've attempted a few little projects here and there over the years. But it occurred to me recently that there's nothing stopping me from just... doing it! It might not be the best, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't work on it and get better at it. Thus, I decided to start Double Dere Scanlations (which is supposed to be a pun on 'double dare' and deredere, which I think is quite funny), and give myself a non-stressful environment in which to practice translating interesting manga that I find during various research rabbit holes.

At the moment, I'm using Krita to do all of my typsetting, which is why it looks a little... off. Krita is an amazing program for drawing, but not so much for anything that requires text. But then again, I'm just a hobbyist. If I ever decide to take this more seriously, I will totally invest in a better program.

When translating, I try to keep the meaning and tone of the original text intact, but make the dialogue more flowery/interesting in English. I may also add or take away a few filler words to make dialogue fit in the bubbles better. It's sort of a 'go with the flow' method of translating, I guess! So even though I do my best, don't expect 100% accuracy.